Can We Make Tempeh Without Starter?

Making homemade tempeh without starter – Is it possible? Find the answer in this site and let yourself decide the way of making your own tempeh.

The Popularity Of Tempeh

It cannot be dennied that there is one kind of Indonesian soy product which has been so popular to all corners of the world. TEMPEH.

Yes, that’s right. Tempeh is made from soybeans, which is then fermented using kind of mold (usually Rhizopus based molds) till become cake-like, dense, and firm.

Nigeria, Japan, India, Slovakia, UK, Italy, Australia, Vietnam are only several countries whose people know about this food.

Tempeh is a traditional food originally from Indonesia which is now favored by lots people in the world

Sending tempeh starter (the materials used to ferment soybeans) to many countries proves that tempeh is really favored by people around the world. That’s alright.

We are one of tempeh starter online seller that provides a kind of instant starter name Raprima tempeh starter.

We often deliver this product overseas to fulfill our customer’s needs of tempeh. As an online seller, we not only sell a product, but also a service.

We also open for consultation for everyone who needs information about tempeh. Some of our customers wonder about making tempeh without starter since they find difficulty to get tempeh starter in their areas. If any, it can be expensive.

So, Is It Possible To Make Tempeh Without Starter?

Tempeh starter is usually in the form of powder. Like the product that we sell: Raprima tempeh starter.

Ragi tempe : Tempeh Starter Of Raprima Brand

In the process of making tempeh, the soybeans which has been boiled and cleaned is mixed wiht the starter. After mixing well, let the fermentation process for about 24 hours.

The soybeans will then transform into a cake-like product namely tempeh.

So, can we make tempeh without starter?


Starter is used as the media to grow the white mold which wil cover the soybeans. So, without starter, soybeans will have no ability to transform itself into tempeh.

So, how to make tempeh without starter?

You might already read our article about how to make your own tempeh starter in our website. There are some materials that  we can use as natural starter. So, this is the alternative way to make tempeh without starter.

Making Tempeh Without Starter – What Material We Use As Natural Tempeh Starter?

This is the DIY tempeh starter that you can try at home. Let’s take a look!

1. Teak Leaf

The another way to make tempeh without starter is by using teak leaf (In Indonesia it is called: daun waru).

The use of waru leaf to wrap soybeans and as the natural starter

Before doing this way, please make sure that you choose the leaves whose the lower leaf surface is overgorwn  with the molds (It usually in the form of white threads). Then, follow this steps correctly:

  • Prepare 2 pieces of waru leaves. Put 1 leaf with the bottom surface facing up. Then, place the cooked soybeans thinly and evenly on one of the leaves.
  • After that, cover the soybeans with another waru leaf with the lower surface position covering the soybeans.
  • Fold the two waru leaves in a comon way, and leave it for one night.
  • After left for about one night, your tempeh is ready to eat.

Important to note:
You can use the former of this tempeh wrapper as natural starter. How to make it? Take the ready-to-cook tempeh , then dry these two waru leaves. After dried, this leaves can function to ‘ferment’ the other soybeans. (See point B for the details)

2. The Former Tempeh Wrapper

There are two kinds of tempeh wrapper that people usually use. First, using plastic. It is very commonly easy to find tempeh in plastic since the material is also easy to get. Second, using leaf. See more about: Which one is better between tempeh wrapped using leaf or plastics.

The leaves that you can use are banana leaf, waru leaf, and teak leaf. Unfortunately, tempeh wrapped using leaf is not always available in every store.

Do you know why?  Because this tree can only grow in certain area, especially in Indonesia.

The picture of banana leaves
The picture of teak leaves

The picture of waru leaves

Alright, then how the former of those tempeh wrapper can be used as starter? Well, after used as wrapper, there is possible tempeh spores left and still stuck in the leaf surface.

In order to use it as starter, you need to dry the leaf first so that you can keep it.

How to use it? All you need to do is just using the former tempeh wrappers which still have the molds by rubbing it directly to the soybeans which is ready to ferment.

Using this way, it normally needs 5-10 dry leaves for 1kg soybeans.

Moreover, you can also squeeze the dry leaves and then mix into the soybeans. For this way, 1kg of soybeans usually needs 3-5 leaves containing molds.

Important to note:
This way can either succeed or fail because not all of the leaf surface contains molds. You need to separate the leaves that contain molds, while the rest of the leaves should be removed.

If you are a beginner, you can start with  a little amount of soybeans. Besides, please make sure that the former wrapper still have molds stuck in its surface.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

Do you need more information about the process of tempeh-making? Don’t worry. As we mention previously, we are tempebumbung, not only sell ‘product’ to you, but also ‘service’.

We open the opportunity for our customers to consult everything they want. Moreover, we also conduct special tour package if you want to see the tempeh making process directly in our city.

Contact us at:


+62 857 4849 1242



Maron, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581

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Author: Sri Winarni

Inherited from my parents who initiated this venture in 1960, the artistry of tempe making courses through my veins. Sharing the wisdom and benefits is a source of immense joy for me.

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