Jual Ragi Tempe Merek Raprima

Tempe merupakan makanan tradisional yang banyak digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia.

Bahkan tidak hanya masyarakat Indonesia saja ternyata pengemar tempe juga berasal dari berbagai wilayah di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Bahan utama pembuatan tempe ini berasal dari kacang kedelai yang dicampur dengan jamur.

Tentu jamur yang dihasilkan dari proese pembuatan tempe tersebut bukan sekedar jamur – jamur biasa loh.

Jamur – jamur ini disebut dengan bahasa ilmiahnya Rhizopus sp dan Aspergillus sp.

Pada bagian tempe yang sudah ditumbuhi jamur ini akan sangat mudah berkembang pada suhu tropis, seperti di Indonesia. Sehingga di Indonesia pun para pembuat – pembuat tempe ini telah merabak di berbagai penjuru daerah.

Pembuatan tempe pun tidak serta merta menggunakan mesin yang canggih, tetapi hanya menggunakan bahan – bahan sederhann.

Pembuatan tempe hingga hari ini masih menggunakan cara yang tradisional hanya memrtlukan dapur pembuatan, drum/ wadah pencuci kedelai dan tempat fermentasi.

Baca juga artikel mengenai peluang usaha baru di blog berikut: https://agendistributorescamelo.wordpress.com/

Kemasan bagian depan Ragi Tempe Raprima | Image 1
Kemasan bagian depan Ragi Tempe Raprima | Image 1

Jual Ragi Tempe Merek Raprima 

Ragi Tempe Merek Raprima adalah produk ragi tempe yang berasal dari Bandung, Jawa Barat.

Kualitas ragi tempe merek raprima memamg sudah teruji sejak dulu. Ragi tempe produk dari Bandung ini memang yang paling banyak digunakan oleh pembuat/ pengrajin tempe.

Bagi anda yang ingin membuat tempe yang higienis dan bebeas pengawet ragi tempe merek Raprima bisa untuk membuat tempe dalam skala kecil maupun industri.

Kemasan bagian belakang Ragi Tempe Raprima | 2
Kemasan bagian belakang Ragi Tempe Raprima | 2

Di manakah distributor Ragi Tempe Raprima?

Untuk mendapatkan Ragi Tempe Raprima kadang calon pembeli kesulitan menemukan distributornya, namun dengan berkembangnya teknologi internet Anda bisa mendapatkan Ragi Tempe Raprima secara online di tempat kami.

Dengan menghubungi nomor tertera di bagian akhir artikel.

Kenapa memilih menggunakan Ragi Tempe Raprima?

  1. Menghasilkan tempe yang enak, putih dan tebal bulunya, tidak cepat keluar spora hitam serta dapat di simpan lebih lama.
  2. Mutu baik dan stabil untuk membuat tempe skala besar, skala kecil maupun skala kebutuhan keluarga.

  3. Ragi tempe berupa bubuk halus yang mudah di timbang dan di takar.

Bagamaiman takaran pedoman penggunaan Ragi Tempe Raprima?

Berikut pilihan takaran yang bisa Anda pilih:

  • 2 gram Ragi Tempe Raprima / 1kg Kedelai

  • 1 Sendok Teh Ragi Tempe Raprima / 2,5 kg Kedelai

  • 1 Sendok Makan Ragi Tempe Raprima / 10 kg Kedelai

Bagaimana dalam cara penyimpanan Ragi Tempe Raprima?

Untuk penyimpanan Ragi Tempe Raprima sebenarnya cukup mudah, Anda tinggal menaruhnya di tempat yang bersih dan kering.

Pastikan tidak ada air atau pun suhu yang terlalu panas saat menyimpanya.

Simpan ragi tempe di tempat kering dan bersih | Image 3
Simpan ragi tempe di tempat kering dan bersih | Image 3


Untuk ke halalan dari produk Ragi Tempe Raprima ini memang sudah terbukti dengan di keluarkanya dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia dengan LPPOM : 01311082190113 selain itu Ragi Tempe Raprima juga mendapatkan sertifikasi dari BPOM dengan nomor BPOM RI MD 256928001051.

Ragi tempe raprima halal MUI | Image 4
Ragi tempe raprima halal MUI | Image 4

Mengenai merek dagang Ragi Tempe Raprima terdaftar dengan DEP.KEH.RI.NO.306712. Dari banyaknya legalitas yang di dapatkan Ragi Tempe Raprima mencerminkan kualitas produk ragi tempe ini.

Silahkan hubungi kami kapan saja untuk mendaptkan Ragi Tempe Raprima. Silahkan hubungi Kami Kapan Saja:





Ngebel, Kedungumpul, Kandangan, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah

Manfaat Mengonsumsi Tempe Bagi Kesehatan Kita

Manfaat Mengkonsumsi Tempe Bagi Kesehatan Kita – Tempe merupakan bahan makanan asli Indonesia.

Di seluruh penjuru Indonesia, kita dapat menemukan tempe tanpa kesulitan.

Tempe dipasarkan mulai dari warung, pasar tradisional, pasar modern, supermarket, hingga penjual sayur keliling juga setia membawa tempe.

Tempe menjadi salah satu makanan yang menjadi gaya hidup sehat orang Indonesia.

Di balik penampilannya yang sederhana, ternyata tempe mempunyai banyak manfaat bagi kita.

Dalam sepotong  tempe mengandung Magnesium, Protein, Vitamin B, Kalsium dan masih banyak zat  lainnya yang semua berguna bagi tubuh, asalkan penggunaannya tidak terlalu berlebihan.

Tempe kedelai putih yang sudah dipotong | Image 1
Tempe kedelai putih yang sudah dipotong | Image 1

Manfaat kandungan tempe bagi tubuh:

  1. Mengandung vitamin B untuk metabolisme tubuh

  2. Mengurangi resiko serangan jantung

Tempe mempunyai zat yang berguna menetrasilir kolesterol jahat karena mempunyai kandungan zat tak jenuh majemuk, omega3 dan 6 sehingga mengurangi resiko serangan jantung

  1. Mengandung protein untuk tubuh

Mengandung 18 jenis protein dan asam amino sehingga mudah dicerna oleh tubuh.

  1. Menurunkan tekanan darah

Di dalam tempe terkandung zat Magnesium.

Zat ini bisa membantu mencegah pembekuan darah terutama para penderita yang baru saja mengalami kecelakaan dan mengeluarkan banyak darah.

  1. Mencegah Kanker

Untuk mengobati penyakit kanker ada salah satu pasien yang mengonsumsinya dalam bentuk mentah.

Dikonsumsi selama beberapa lama sampai keluhan akibat kanker menjadi berkurang.

Untuk mencegahnya kita dapat mengkonsumsi dalam bentuk dikukus atau dibacem.

  1. Mencegah anemia

Dalam tempe terdapat mineral yang tinggi yang bisa mencegah anemia atau kekurangan darah merah

  1. Membantu mencegah osteoporosis

Osteoporosis atau pengapuran tulang biasanya menyerang manusia lanjut usia walaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan yang lebih muda juga bisa terkena osteoporosis akibat gaya hidup kurang sehat.

Nah, tempe ini mengandung Kalsium yang baik untuk tulang.

Jika anda mengonsumsi secara rutin tempe maka akan mengurangi terkena resiko osteoporosis.

Baca juga artikel:

Manfaat Tempe Kedelai Bagi Kesehatan Kita

Tempe Kedelai dengen bungkus daun pisang | Image 2
Tempe Kedelai dengen bungkus daun pisang | Image 2

Tempe bisa dikonsumsi dalam bentuk matang, yang telah dimasak terlebih dahulu atau dikonsumsi dalam bentuk mentah juga bisa.

Umumnya orang mengolah tempe menjadi bermacam-macam olahan seperti tempe goreng, orak arik tempe, tempe bacem, perkedel tempe, kering tempe, keripik tempe.

Masakan tersebut kebanyakan menggunakan minyak sebagai salah satu bahan masakan kecuali tempe bacem.

Bagi anda yang mempunyai masalah dengan kolesterol, diusahakan menghindari penggunaan minyak.

Itulah beberapa manfaat dari tempe yang perlu kita ketahui.

Sebagai salah satu bahan makanan asli Indonesia, kita patut bangga bahwa tempe mulai dikenal di berbagai belahan dunia.

Bahkan kini tempe mulai di ekspor dalam bentuk makanan kaleng untuk didistribusikan ke luar negeri.

Ternyata orang asing setelah meneliti manfaat dari tempe mulai tertarik untuk mengonsumsinya.

Kami menyediakan berbagai tempe terutama tempe bumbung dan tempe bungkus plastik. Tempe akan kami kirimkan sesuai pesanan.

Hubungi Kami Kapan Saja: 


 0822 2123 5378

Ngebel, Kedungumpul, Kandangan, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah

Make Chips with material Tempe Bumbung

Make Chips with material Tempe Bumbung

Tempe Bumbung is one hallmark of the city of Waterford. Tempe tube made with container or wrapping of bamboo that has been cut into a size of 70 cm , is divided into two parts and then tied up with rope. Not like tempeh are generally the wrapper made of banana leaves or plastic. For it is suitable if made chips for raw materials used in accordance with the size of the chips, so not a lot of raw material is wasted. For that let us make tempeh chips tube.


What are the materials used?

Materials used:

  1. 750 grams  tube tempeh, cut into thin, round oblique, drying
  2. 300 grams of rice flour
  3. 350 ml coconut milk or to taste
  4. Cooking oil
  5. Ground spices:
  6. 2 tsp coriander
  7. ½ knuckle turmeric
  8. 6 cloves garlic
  9. 5 lime leaves, finely chopped
  10. 1 tsp cumin, roasted
  11. Salt

Keripik Tempe Bumbung Pedas

How to make?

  1. Puree the coriander, turmeric, garlic, salt, cumin so soft.
  2. Combine coconut milk, rice flour so that the dough slightly thick.
  3. Add lime leaves that have been chopped fine.
  4. Tempeh Dip into butter, fried until yellowish and overcooked.
  5. Remove and drain.

There are many ways to make healthy nutritious food, recipe above is an option to create your own snack or food production itself. Making your own is the best option for keeping food hygiene. Good luck.


Please contact us, Anytime:

SMS / CALL: 082221235378


Ngebel, Kedungumpul, Kandangan, Temanggung, Central Java


Related words: Soybean tempeh, how to make tempeh, tempeh recipe, tempeh recipe Orek, ways of making tempeh, tempeh Orek recipe, the process of making tempeh, tempeh dishes


Tempeh-What can be used to make tempeh starter?


Tempeh is a traditional food originally from Indonesia. It is exactly from Central Java, and now is popular not only in Indonesia but also in the world.

The word ‘tempeh’ has been found written in serat Centhini manuscript which is a classic Javanese literature.

It is written by the scribe of the Surakarta palace, R Ng Ronggo Sutrasno in the early 19th century.

Actually, tempeh has been studied by researchers since years ago. They found that this soybeans product is healthy food and good for human body.

Although it is not yet known when the first time the manufacture of tempe begins, this traditional food has been known since centuries ago.

Tempeh is made by a natural culturing and a controlled fermentation process by adding a tempeh starter, which is a mix of live mold. This is originally from Indonesia and it has lot of benefit for human body.  Recently tempeh is popular foods for Vegan and Vegetarian over the world.

Nowadays, more grocery stores sell tempeh products. This is because the popularity of tempeh has also increased. Not only delicious, tempeh is also known for its health benefits to humans body. is known to reduce cholesterol, increase bone density, reduce menopausal symptoms and promote muscle recovery. The use of whole soybean gives tempeh a higher content of protein vitamins and minerals. So, the basic ingredient of making tempeh is the soybean and the tempeh starter.


Tempeh starter
Tempeh starter in the powder form

For your information, Tempeh starter is an inoculant spores rhizopus oligosporus with a rice flour which has function to push fermentation process in the tempeh-making process.

Now, Tempeh starter  is available in whole foods online.

You can buy tempeh starter as you need. The fermentation process needs fungus with type Rhizopus Oligosporus or Rhizopus Oryzae.

While, The natural way to speed up the fermentation process is by using raw papaya and sticky rice flour.

Papaya can help soften soybeans and fertilize molds. While the glutinous rice flour acts as a mold medium so it can increase soybean to have a soft texture.


Actually, making tempeh starter is easy, you can make it by yourself at home. Then, what can I use as tempeh starter? You can use rice.

The first step is prepare the materials and tools for tempeh starter. You can just use rice for about 300 gram, tempeh flour 3 gram and rice flour 1 ½ kg.

The tools needed: Rice cooker, plastic plate, plastic sheets, pestle, sleves for food, frying pans and plastic bags.

How to make tempeh starter: Firstly, wash the rice until clean and cook the rice. After that, cook the rice and cool it.

Sprinkle the rice cooked with tempeh flour until smooth and then cover it with plastic bags.

Then, let till the mushrooms grow up. Dried in the sun and pounded until smooth. Strain with a sieve and mix with rice flour and tempeh starter is ready for use.

Tempeh starter can be made manually using certain ingredients like rice


Actually, you can make tempeh without tempeh starter. Even though the result is not as perfect as using tempeh starter, but you can try at home to make tempeh with this way.

Here are the steps to make tempeh without tempeh starter:

Prepare the ingredients such as the soybeans, and waru/cottonwood leaves. Boil the soybeans until cooked.

Let them cool for a while. Then, put the soybeans in one of cottonwood leaves. Use the other cottonwood leaves to cover soybeans.

Let the cover for 1×24 hours. After that, tempeh has been ready for cooked.

But if you will make tempeh with high quality nutrition, you must choose tempeh starter that contains high quality Rhizopus.

As a result, your tempeh will have delicious taste.

Besides, you can use the ‘usar’ fto wrap the soybeans. You can use Waru leaves (Hibiscus Tiliaceus) or Teak leaves (Tectona Grandis) as the wrapper of the soybeans.

Moreover, you can also use Starter from dried tempeh (tempeh flour).  Further explanation about it you can check on Discover The Easy Way How To Make Your Own Tempeh Starter.


After knowing how to make tempeh starter by your own, lets start making your own tempeh.

For making tempeh you have to prepare the main material: soybeans.

1. Firstly, Soak and Dehuling
First of all, soak the soybean in water to loosen the skin for a night for dehulling.

But still, there are some soybeans that still contain the skin, so to omit the skin by rubbing soybeans with hands, rubbing the beans together and sometimes individually pressing the hulls of the grains.

2. Second, cooking the soybeans
After the dehulling process, then it is partly cooked before continuing to inoculation or fermentation process.

Boiling the beans for 30 minutes until one hours. Makes sure the soy beans are soft. Then, drain off the water and dry the soybeans until cool down.

3. Mix with the tempeh stater
After the soybeans cool down add the tempeh starter. It is very important to mix well the soy beans and the tempeh starter.

Fermentation process can be done for less than 2 days by using starter culture of Tempeh (ragi tempeh) that you can find in most Indonesia.

As you can see in the procedure of making tempeh above, you need tempeh starter.

The use of starter is very important as the media for spores to grow in the soybeans. This is what we call fermentation process.

What kind of tempeh starter is best to used?

So far we conduct this online business, we find that our customers mostly choose one kind of starter for making tempeh. Do you want to know?


tempeh starter online
Soybeans and Raprima starter – The main ingredients for making tempeh

Ragi Tempe Raprima is one of famous Indonesian brand of starters that contains Rhizopus Oligosprus based tempeh starter, produced in controlled, which is used to grow spores fungus in making tempeh.

This starter is produced in a controlled, totally safe environment and regularly tested by the Government.

Our ragi tempeh is HALAL, safe, and suitable for vegetarians or vegans.


Recently, You can order tempeh starter that contains high Rhizopus Oligosporus trough the Internet.

You can order Raprima Tempeh Starter from our website also you can find tempeh starter amazon. We are provide the tempeh starter Raprima brand with an affordable price. 

Raprima tempeh starter in Indonesia has been known since 1960. Raprima is tempeh starter product from Bandung Indonesia.

Currently, raprima has become an export product to meet the needs of the world such as the needs of tempeh starter uk, tempeh starter india and  tempeh starter in around the world. We are ready to serve your order.

Raprima Tempeh Starter is popular product tempeh starter that can make your own tempeh very delicious.

Further Information You can contact us at:


+62 857 4849 1242




Maron, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581

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As we know that people now is increasingly familiar with a food that is made from soybeans namely tempeh. In Indonesia tempeh is usually called ‘tempe’.

In this country, there are actually many types of tempeh with different type of beans used. But the most favorite and popular is soybeans tempeh which is also widely known overseas.

You can check what kind of beans can be fermented to the other types of tempeh below:

rhizopus oligosporus buy
Many types of Beans For Making Tempeh

Number 1 is Lamtoro seeds.

Number 2 is Koro Pedang or Jack Bean.

Number 3 is Koro Benguk seeds.

Number 4 is Kacang Hijau or Green Bean.


Number 5 is Trembesi.

When you first hear these kind of seeds, you might be wondering what are they because it is rather difficult to find in other country.

What is familiar for most people is ‘soybeans tempeh’ but it is usually know internationally as ‘tempeh’ only.

Tempeh is a kind of food that contain very high nutrition. It is very popular among the people of various countries.

Some people try to make their own tempeh because they realize that it has materials source of protein and vitamin B-12.

They assume that this is a great replacement for animal protein because as what mentioned previously, it also has great nutritional value.

It provides complete protein, containing full range of amino acids.

Moreover, tempeh is also low fat, high in fiber, and provides significant amonts of iron, calcium, vitamin A, B- complex, and other nutrient contents. This is why tempeh now is not only favored by Indonesian, but also overseas.

Now the question is, what is the relationship between tempeh and Rhizopus Oligosporus? Well,  tempeh is actually made by fermentation process with starter culture.

Soybean seeds will not transform into tempeh without starter.

To push fermentation process of tempeh, we must add fungus with the type of Rhizopus Oligosporus and Rhizopus Oryzae.

But what commonly used in the tempeh fermentation process is the first one, Rhizopus Oligosporus.

This fungus is very good to make tempeh because it can generate enzym protease. It also has the power to elaborate the materials base into a form.

In addition, tempeh starter culture Rhizopus Oligosporus can protect tempeh from infection bacterial and aflatoxins from the others fungus.

Aflatoxin is toxins produced by certain fungus. Rhizophus Oligosporus grow in temperature 30-35 C with a minimum temperature of 12 C and with a maximum temperature of 42 C.

Rhizopus Oligosporus has two ways reproduction by asexsual and sexual reproduction.

The asexual reproduction by using sporangium nonmotil spores, hile sexual reproduction by conjugation.

rhizopus oligosporus buy


How to make your own tempeh starter ? is it possible to make tempeh without rhizopus oligosporus?, Definitely possible even You can make tempeh without tempeh starter although the results is not very great like using tempeh starter.

Here are the steps to make tempeh without starter. First, you must cook the soybeans until has been cooked.

You need to find Hibiscus leaves about 2 pieces. Then, put soybeans in one of the leaves. Use the other leaves to cover soybeans. Let the cover for 1×24 hours. After that, tempeh has been ready for cooked.

However, if you will make tempeh with high quality nutrition you must choose tempeh starter that contains high quality Rhizopus so that your tempeh will have delicious taste.

From the explanation above we can conclude that you can actually make tempeh without starter but the result will not as good as when it is mixed with starter. Let’s see the difference below:

rhizopus oligosporus buy
Tempeh without starter

rhizopus oligosporus buy
Tempeh using starter

Even though the appearance look different, but the nutrition value is still same. Both have great source of protein.


Getting tempeh starter or ragi tempeh is actually easy, so don’t worry! Tempeh starter is now available in many online stores such as Amazon, eBay, etc.

And we, as an online seller of tempeh starter will also provide tempeh starter easily for you with affordable price.

We have been running our business of tempebumbung years and also selling tempeh starter not only in Indonesia regions but also abroad.

As a tempeh starter online seller, we always try to give our best service to our customers.

We provide them facility via call, sms, WA, or email to make it easy to contact us.

We will be very happy if our customers come to our office directly to buy tempeh starter, or just ask or sharing something.

You can buy tempeh starter from us no matter where you come from, and where you live now. We provide the tempeh starter whole foods or tempeh starter for small scale.

Even though our smallest package of tempeh starter is 500 gr, but any amount of tempeh starter is also provided. We will provide re-packaging for any amount to make it easy.

We serve tempeh starter order for many countries, and we also supply the needs of tempeh starter in many countries such as tempeh starter in India, tempeh starter in UK  and others.

We are ready to send tempeh starter around the world. So, anywhere you live, we can send tempeh starter.


The ragi starter of Raprima is a type of ragi tempeh which is very good to use. This is a high quality tempeh starter that contains rhizopus oligosporus.

Raprima has been known since 1960 and has been registered by the Food and Drug Control Agency.

Raprima is under controlled by the Health Department. So, the product is very safe and healthy.

Using Raprima will make your own tempeh has very original taste and healthy for consumption.

Most of tempeh makers in Indonesia choose Raprima tempeh starter because it will produce great effect for tempeh and automatically will produce good tempeh when cooked.

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s buy Raprima tempeh starter!


You can contact us at:


+62 857 4849 1242




Maron, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581

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Daftar Negara untuk Pengiriman Ragi Tempe Raprima

Tempe merupakan suatu makanan yang sangat populer di Negara Indonesia, bahkan karena rasanya yang khas Tempe kini semakin mendunia.

Tempe memiliki gizi yang cukup tinggi biasanya dijadikan sebagai lauk pauk oleh masyarakat yang disukai oleh berbagai lapisan.

Makanan ini memiliki beberapa kelebihan diantaranya harganya yang murah dan memiliki gizi yang cukup tinggi untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan protein bagi manusia.

Dalam pembuatan Tempe, kita membutuhkan suatu bahan yang berguna dalam pengolahan kedelai hingga menjadi Tempe.

Bahan tersebut adalah ragi, ragi merupakan suatu zat fermentasi yang berguna yang mengandung mikroorganisme untuk melakukan fermentasi dan media biakan bagi mikroorganisme tersebut.

Media untuk mengembangbiakan mikroorganisme tersebut berupa butiran kecil atau nutrien yang umumnya digunakan untuk membuat makanan maupun minuman.

Ragi Tempe Raprima
Ragi Tempe Raprima

Dalam penggunaannya Ragi yang biasa digunakan para produsen tempe adalah jenis ragi yang biasa dibeli dipasar. Ragi sendiri dapat dibagi menjadi dua jenis :

  1. Ragi Kering

Ragi kering berbentuk butiran kecil dan beberapa juga berupa bubuk halus, berwarna kecoklatan umum digunakan dalam pembuatan roti.

  1. Ragi Padat

Ragi padat memiliki bentuk yang pipih biasa digunakan dalam pembuatan tape. Dibuat dari tepung beras, bawang putih dan kayu manis yang diaduk hingga halus dan didiamkan ditempat yang gelap beberapa hari sampai terjadi proses fermentasi.

Setelah muncul jamur berwarna putih susu kemudian ragi dijemur sampai kering.

Namun secara umum ragi dapat dibedakan menjadi 3 jenis yaitu ragi tapai yang bentuknya padat, ragi roti berbentuk butiran dan ragi tempe berbentuk bubuk.

Apa saja manfaat ragi dalam pembuatan makanan maupun minuman?

Berikut beberapa manfaat ragi dalam pembuatan makanan maupun minuman:

  1. Ragi Padat berfungsi dalam pembuatan tapai untuk fermentasi, tetapi ada juga yang menggunakan ragi ini untuk mengempukkan daging maupun pembuatan makanan pindang bandeng.
    Sebelum digunakan, ragi terlebih dahulu dihaluskan sebelum ditaburkan ke dalam bahan lainnya
  2. Ragi Kering berbentuk butiran biasa digunakan dalam pembuatan roti untuk mengembangkan, mengempukkan dan melenturkan adonan.Ragi kering yang masih berbentuk butiran dicampur dengan air hangat dan gula agar terbentuk adonan biang sebelum dicampurkan dengan adonan tepung.

    Untuk ragi kering yang sudah halus biasanya dalam penggunaannya bisa langsung dicampurkan dengan adonan tepung, gula, air dan beberapa bahan lainnya.

    Ragi tempe yang baik biasanya memiliki warna yang putih dan tidak menggumpal.

Ragi tempe merupakan bahan yang penting untuk disiapkan dalam pembuatan tempe.

Sebagai produsen tempe bumbung kami berusaha memilih ragi tempe yang berkualitas untuk menghasilkan tempe bumbung dengan citarasa yang nikmat.

Dengan begitu harapan kami setiap pelanggan yang memesan merasa puas setelah mengkonsumsi tempe bumbung di tempat kami.

Selain tempe bumbung yang kami pasarkan, ragi tempe merek raprima yang biasa kami gunakan dalam pembuatan tempe bumbung juga kami pasarkan.

Semakin berkembangnya teknologi, bisnis online sudah menjadi hal yang perlu diterapkan begitu di dalam bisnis yang kita jalankan tempe bumbung dan ragi tempe kami pasarkan secara online melalui website kami di tempebumbung.wordpress.com.

Melalui website ini barang yang kita pasarkan akan dikenal oleh seluruh masyarakat diseluruh penjuru di Indonesia bahkan sampai manca negara. Dalam pengirimannya kami siap mengirimkan ke seluruh penjuru Indonesia.

Bagi yang sedang berada di Luar Negeri yang ingin mencoba membuat tempe menggunakan ragi tempe raprima seperti yang kami pasarkan, kami siap mengirimkan ke berbagai negara.

Ragi Tempe Raprima
Ragi Tempe Raprima

Berikut Daftar Negara yang Dapat Kirimakan untuk Ragi Tempe Raprima.

  1. Negara Afganistan dengan nama ibu kota Kabul
  2. Negara Afrika Selatan dengan nama ibu kota Pretoria
  3. Negara Afrika Tengah dengan nama ibu kota Bangui
  4. Negara Albania dengan nama ibu kotaTirana
  5. Negara Aljazair dengan nama ibu kota Algiers
  6. Negara Amerika Serikat dengan nama ibu kota Washington D.C
  7. Negara Andorra dengan nama ibu kota Andorra la Vella
  8. Negara Angola dengan nama ibu kota Luanda
  9. Negara Antigua dan Barbuda dengan nama ibu kota St. John’s
  10. Negara Arab Saudi dengan nama ibu kota Riyadh
  11. Negara Argentina dengan nama ibu kota Buenos Aires
  12. Negara Armenia dengan nama ibu kota Yerevan
  13. Negara Australia dengan nama ibu kota Canberra
  14. Negara Austria dengan nama ibu kota Wina
  15. Negara Azerbaijan dengan nama ibu kota Baku
  16. Negara Bahama dengan nama ibu kota Nassau
  17. Negara Bahrain dengan nama ibu kota Manama
  18. Negara Bangladesh dengan nama ibu kota Dhaka
  19. Negara Barbados dengan nama ibu kota Bridgetown
  20. Negara Belanda dengan nama ibu kota Amsterdam
  21. Negara Belarus dengan nama ibu kota Minsk
  22. Negara Belgia dengan nama ibu kota Brussel
  23. Negara Belize dengan nama ibu kota Belmopan
  24. Negara Benin dengan nama ibu kota Porto Novo
  25. Negara Bhutan dengan nama ibu kota Thimphu
  26. Negara Bolivia dengan nama ibu kota La Paz
  27. Negara Bosnia&Herzegovina dengan nama ibu kota Sarajevo
  28. Negara Botswana dengan nama ibu kota Gabourone
  29. Negara Brasil dengan nama ibu kota Brasilia
  30. Negara Britania Raya dengan nama ibu kota London
  31. Negara Brunei Darussalam dengan nama ibu kota Bandar Seri Begawan
  32. Negara Bulgaria dengan nama ibu kota Sofia
  33. Negara Burkina Faso dengan nama ibu kota Ouagadoudou
  34. Negara Burundi dengan nama ibu kota Bujumbura
  35. Negara Ceko dengan nama ibu kota Praha
  36. Negara Chad dengan nama ibu kota Ndjamena
  37. Negara Chili dengan nama ibu kota Santiago
  38. Negara China dengan nama ibu kota Beijing
  39. Negara Denmark dengan nama ibu kota Kopenhagen
  40. Negara Djibouti dengan nama ibu kota Djibouti City
  41. Negara Dominika dengan nama ibu kota Roseau
  42. Negara Ekuador dengan nama ibu kota Quito
  43. Negara El Salvador dengan nama ibu kota San Salvador
  44. Negara Eritrea dengan nama ibu kota Asmara
  45. Negara Estonia dengan nama ibu kota Tallinu
  46. Negara Ethiopia dengan nama ibu kota Addis Ababa
  47. Negara Fiji dengan nama ibu kota Suva
  48. Negara Filipina dengan nama ibu kota Manila
  49. Negara Finlandia dengan nama ibu kota Helsinki
  50. Negara Gabon dengan nama ibu kota Libreville
  51. Negara Gambia dengan nama ibu kota Banyul
  52. Negara Georgia dengan nama ibu kota Grozny
  53. Negara Ghana dengan nama ibu kota Akra
  54. Negara Grenada dengan nama ibu kota St. George’s
  55. Negara Guatemala dengan nama ibu kota Guatemala City
  56. Negara Guinea dengan nama ibu kota Konakry
  57. Negara Guinea Bissau dengan nama ibu kota Bissau
  58. Negara Guinea Khatulistiwa dengan nama ibu kota Malabo
  59. Negara Guyana dengan nama ibu kota George Town
  60. Negara Haiti dengan nama ibu kota Port-au-Prince
  61. Negara Honduras dengan nama ibu kota Tegucigalpa
  62. Negara Hongaria dengan nama ibu kota Budapest
  63. Negara India dengan nama ibu kota New Delhi
  64. Negara Indonesia dengan nama ibu kota Jakarta
  65. Negara Irak dengan nama ibu kota Bagdad
  66. Negara Iran dengan nama ibu kota Teheran
  67. Negara Irlandia dengan nama ibu kota Dublin
  68. Negara Islandia dengan nama ibu kota Reykyavik
  69. Negara Israel dengan nama ibu kota Tel Aviv
  70. Negara Italia dengan nama ibu kota Roma
  71. Negara Jamaika dengan nama ibu kota Kingstone
  72. Negara Jepang dengan nama ibu kota Tokyo
  73. Negara Jerman dengan nama ibu kota Berlin
  74. Negara Kamboja dengan nama ibu kota Phnom Penh
  75. Negara Kamerun dengan nama ibu kota Yaonde
  76. Negara Kanada dengan nama ibu kota Ottawa
  77. Negara Kazakhstan dengan nama ibu kota Alma Ata
  78. Negara Kenya dengan nama ibu kota Nairobi
  79. Negara Kirgizstan dengan nama ibu kota Frunze
  80. Negara Kiribati dengan nama ibu kota Bairiki
  81. Negara Kolombia dengan nama ibu kota Bogota
  82. Negara Komoro dengan nama ibu kota Moroni
  83. Negara Republik Kongo dengan nama ibu kota Brazzaville
  84. Negara Korea Selatan dengan nama ibu kota Seoul
  85. Negara Korea Utara dengan nama ibu kota Pyongyang
  86. Negara Kosta Rika dengan nama ibu kota San Yose
  87. Negara Kroasia dengan nama ibu kota Zagrib
  88. Negara Kuba dengan nama ibu kota Havana
  89. Negara Kuwait dengan nama ibu kota Kuwait City
  90. Negara Laos dengan nama ibu kota Vientiane
  91. Negara Latvia dengan nama ibu kota Riga
  92. Negara Lebanon dengan nama ibu kota Beirut
  93. Negara Lesotho dengan nama ibu kota Maseru
  94. Negara Liberia dengan nama ibu kota Monrovia
  95. Negara Libya dengan nama ibu kota Tripoli
  96. Negara Liechtenstein dengan nama ibu kota Vaduz
  97. Negara Lituania dengan nama ibu kota Vilna
  98. Negara Luksemburg dengan nama ibu kota Luxembourg City
  99. Negara Madagaskar dengan nama ibu kota Antananarivo
  100. Negara Makedonia dengan nama ibu kota Skopje
  101. Negara Maladewa dengan nama ibu kota Male
  102. Negara Malawi dengan nama ibu kota Lilongwe
  103. Negara Malaysia dengan nama ibu kota Kuala Lumpur
  104. Negara Mali dengan nama ibu kota Bamako
  105. Negara Malta dengan nama ibu kota La Valetta
  106. Negara Maroko dengan nama ibu kota Rabat
  107. Negara Marshall dengan nama ibu kota Majuro
  108. Negara Mauritania dengan nama ibu kota Nouakchott
  109. Negara Mauritius dengan nama ibu kota Port Louis
  110. Negara Meksiko dengan nama ibu kota Mexico City
  111. Negara Mesir dengan nama ibu kota Kairo
  112. Negara Mikronesia dengan nama ibu kota Palikir
  113. Negara Moldova dengan nama ibu kota Kishinev
  114. Negara Monako dengan nama ibu kota Monako
  115. Negara Mongolia dengan nama ibu kota Ulanbator
  116. Negara Montenegro dengan nama ibu kota Podgorica
  117. Negara Mozambik dengan nama ibu kota Maputo
  118. Negara Myanmar dengan nama ibu kota Naypyidaw
  119. Negara Namibia dengan nama ibu kota Windhoek
  120. Negara Nauru dengan nama ibu kota Yaren
  121. Negara Nepal dengan nama ibu kota Kathmandu
  122. Negara Niger dengan nama ibu kota Niamey
  123. Negara Nigeria dengan nama ibu kota Lagos
  124. Negara Nikaragua dengan nama ibu kota Managua
  125. Negara Norwegia dengan nama ibu kota Oslo
  126. Negara Oman dengan nama ibu kota Muskat
  127. Negara Pakistan dengan nama ibu kota Islamabad
  128. Negara Palau dengan nama ibu kota Melekeok
  129. Negara Panama dengan nama ibu kota Panama
  130. Negara Pantai Gading dengan nama ibu kota Yamoussoukro
  131. Negara Papua Nugini dengan nama ibu kota Port Moresby
  132. Negara Paraguay dengan nama ibu kota Asuncion
  133. Negara Perancis dengan nama ibu kota Paris
  134. Negara Peru dengan nama ibu kota Lima
  135. Negara Polandia dengan nama ibu kota Warsawa
  136. Negara Portugal dengan nama ibu kota Lisabon
  137. Negara Qatar dengan nama ibu kota Doha
  138. Negara Republik Demokratik Kongo dengan nama ibu kota Kinshasa
  1. Negara Republik Dominika dengan nama ibu kota Santo Domingo
  2. Negara Rumania dengan nama ibu kota Bukarest
  3. Negara Rusia dengan nama ibu kota Moskow
  4. Negara Rwanda dengan nama ibu kota Kigali
  5. Negara Saint Kitts and Nevis dengan nama ibu kota Basseterre
  6. Negara Saint Lucia dengan nama ibu kota Castries
  7. Negara Saint Vincent and the Grenadines dengan nama ibu kota Kingstown

Ragi Tempe Raprima
Ragi Tempe Raprima

  1. Negara Samoa dengan nama ibu kota Apia
  2. Negara San Marino dengan nama ibu kota San Marino
  3. Negara Sao Tome and Principe dengan nama ibu kota Sao Tome
  1. Negara Selandia Baru dengan nama ibu kota Wellington
  2. Negara Senegal dengan nama ibu kota Dakar
  3. Negara Serbia dengan nama ibu kota Beograd
  4. Negara Seychelles dengan nama ibu kota Victoria
  5. Negara Sierra Leone dengan nama ibu kota Freetown
  6. Negara Singapura dengan nama ibu kota Singapura
  7. Negara Siprus dengan nama ibu kota Nikosia
  8. Negara Slovenia dengan nama ibu kota Ljubljana
  9. Negara Slowakia dengan nama ibu kota Bratislava
  10. Negara Solomon dengan nama ibu kota Honiara
  11. Negara Somalia dengan nama ibu kota Mogadishu
  12. Negara Spanyol dengan nama ibu kota Madrid
  13. Negara Sri Lanka dengan nama ibu kota Kolombo
  14. Negara Sudan dengan nama ibu kota Khartoum
  15. Negara Sudan Selatan dengan nama ibu kota Juba
  16. Negara Suriah dengan nama ibu kota Damaskus
  17. Negara Suriname dengan nama ibu kota Paramaribo
  18. Negara Swaziland dengan nama ibu kota Mbabane
  19. Negara Swedia dengan nama ibu kota Stockholm
  20. Negara Swiss dengan nama ibu kota Bern
  21. Negara Tajikistan dengan nama ibu kota Dushanbe
  22. Negara Tanjung Verde dengan nama ibu kota Praia
  23. Negara Tanzania dengan nama ibu kota Dodoma
  24. Negara Thailand dengan nama ibu kota Bangkok
  25. Negara Timor Leste dengan nama ibu kota Dili
  26. Negara Togo dengan nama ibu kota Lome
  27. Negara Tonga dengan nama ibu kota Nukualofa
  28. Negara Trinidad and Tobago dengan nama ibu kota Port of Span
  29. Negara Tunisia dengan nama ibu kota Tunis
  30. Negara Turki dengan nama ibu kota Ankara
  31. Negara Turkmenistan dengan nama ibu kota Ashakabad
  32. Negara Tuvalu dengan nama ibu kota Funafuti
  33. Negara Uganda dengan nama ibu kota Kampala
  34. Negara Ukraina dengan nama ibu kota Kiev
  35. Negara Uni Emirat Arab dengan nama ibu kota Abu Dhabi
  36. Negara Uruguay dengan nama ibu kota Montevideo
  37. Negara Uzbekistan dengan nama ibu kota Tashkent
  38. Negara Vanuatu dengan nama ibu kota Pelabuhan Vila
  39. Negara Venezuela dengan nama ibu kota Caracas
  40. Negara Vietnam dengan nama ibu kota Hanoi
  41. Negara Yaman dengan nama ibu kota Sanaa
  42. Negara Yordania dengan nama ibu kota Amman
  43. Negara Yunani dengan nama ibu kota Athena
  44. Negara Zambia dengan nama ibu kota Lusaka
  45. Negara Zimbabwe dengan nama ibu kota Harare

Silahkan hubungi kami kapan saja untuk mendapatkan ragi tempe merek raprima. Kami menyediakan dari pembelian eceran partai kecil maupun pembelian ragi tempe raprima dalam partai besar atau grosir. Hubungi kami di :


Kata Terkait: Ragi, Ragi Tempe, Ragi Tempe Raprima, Jual Ragi Tempe, Jual Ragi Tempe Raprima, Harga Ragi Tempe Raprima

Find The Best Way To Cook Tempeh And Get Its Benefits

Tempeh is known as a product of soybeans fermentation which is helped by Rhizopus oligosporus contained in tempeh starter.

In Indonesia, tempeh acts as one of the side dishes which contain high protein besides meat or fish.

Tempeh can be found in traditional markets, supermarkets, or in the vegan grocery store.

Also, tempeh can be found in several dishes like fried tempeh, bacem tempeh, sambal tempeh, or baked tempeh.

How To Cook Tempeh
If tempeh is cooked properly, you will get the nutritional values of it.

There are several ways to consume or cook tempeh, the common one is frying the tempeh.

But, do you know the healthiest way to consume tempeh so the nutritions which are contained in tempeh remain and won’t disappear? But beforehand, consider first the nutritional content that is in tempeh below.

Tempeh Contains Prebiotics Bacteria

According to Prof. Dr. Made Iriawan, tempeh contains a lot of nutrition and it will be delicious and more healthy if you cook it properly.

When we eat tempeh, it contains prebiotics in the form of living microbes, called lactic acid bacteria usually found in yogurt.

Even the lactic acid bacteria will be higher if tempeh is hygienic and it’s cooked in a good way. Those prebiotic bacteria are one of a lot of beneficial nutrients in tempeh.

How to cook tempeh
You need to cooked your tempeh properly so you will get its benefits.

Among the many ways to cook tempeh, the easiest way to cook tempeh is to fry it.

But, those good bacteria will be damaged if it’s heated. Besides, healthy soybean oil which is contained in tempeh will also be lost. So, it will be good if you don’t cook tempeh to deep fry.

So, what’s the best way to cook tempeh? Here are the good ways to consume and cook tempeh so you will get the health beneficial maximally.

1. Unseasoned Steamed Tempeh

The best and good way to cook tempeh besides fried is to steam it. When you steam tempeh, the protein content will remain and provide benefits for your body.

Steam tempeh also can get rid of the bitter flavor of tempeh. You can steam tempeh with this following steps :

  • Remove the packaging of tempeh, sometimes tempeh wrapped with banana leaves or plastics.
  • Prepare a steamer pan, fill it with enough water, and close the lid. Turn on the heat until it’s boiled.
  • Put tempeh in the steam basket, close the lid and steam it for approximately 10 minutes, depends on the level of tenderness you want. You can cut your tempeh into the small form or place it in its original form.
  • Remove tempeh and drain until dry.
  • Your tempeh is ready to cook in other ways like marinated it then baked it. Or crumble and marinate it with steak seasoning then form the tempeh crumbs into patties and you can grill it with olive oil to make tempeh steak. Eat tempeh steak with other vegetables to make it healthier.

How To Cook Tempeh
By steaming tempeh, the bitter taste that is sometimes found in soybeans will disappear.

2. Steamed Marinated Tempeh

The other way to eat tempeh without fry it is steam tempeh after it marinated. All you need is :

  • Set the steamer pan by filling with water and turn on the heat.
  • Boil the water, and while waiting for the water to boil, prepare the marinade sauce.
  • For the marinade sauce, you need (for 1 block tempeh) :
    Minced garlic (1-2 cloves) or ½ tsp garlic powder and ½ tsp onion powder
    ½ teaspoon sesame oil
    1 teaspoon olive oil
    1 tablespoon rice vinegar
    ¼ cup of soy sauce
  • Place those ingredients in a closed container and then mix it all with a fork.
  • Put the slices of tempeh into the container and let it marinate for 10 – 20 minutes. For the best result, place the marinated tempeh in a refrigerator for 30 minutes. In half of marinating time, flip the tempeh so tempeh can be coated entirely.
  • After 30 minutes, let it stand until it reaches room temperature
  • Steam it for approximately 10 minutes, depends on the level of tenderness you want.
  • Remove and drain them, and steamed marinated tempeh is ready to eat.

The best way to cook tempeh
Marinated tempeh is the easy way to cook tempeh into some dishes like grilled or baked.

Steamed tempeh is the easy and best way to prepare tempeh.

Using the recipe in the second way above (steamed marinated tempeh), you can process your marinated tempeh in other delicious dishes besides steaming and eating it directly.

What kind of dishes will be good for those marinated tempeh recipes above? Find the answer below!

3. Baked Tempeh

To avoid frying the tempeh, you can bake your tempeh. 

  • Firstly, cut the tempeh in the triangle, rectangle, or in a ½” cube size. Prepare the marinade sauce with the same recipe above. 
  • Marinate your tempeh in a closed container in 30 minutes inside the refrigerator, don’t forget to flip the tempeh in halftime marinating process. 
  • When it reaches 30 minutes, prepare your oven, turn it on and set it to 190℃. Place the tempeh into a baking tray, but before that, coat the baking tray with baking paper. 
  • Spread the surface of the tempeh with the remaining marinated sauce. 
  • Then, bake the tempeh for 10 minutes, open the lid and flip the tempeh. After that, close the oven and continue to bake for 10 minutes until it is golden and crispy. 
  • Remove from the oven and serve the baked tempeh warm. You also can spread sesame seeds on top of it. You can keep the leftovers in the fridge for up to 5 days.

How to cook tempeh properly
Baked tempeh also can be a delicious and healthy meal.

4. Grilled Tempeh

Another delicious way to cook tempeh without frying is grilling.

A little bit different from the baking process, you can steam your tempeh first before marinade it, as the first way above.

The steam process can make tempeh absorb the marinade sauce maximally.

ut it’s okay if you don’t steam your tempeh first because the result is also quite good. Grilled tempeh also can be the best way to cook marinated tempeh. 

  • Cut the tempeh in rectangle or triangle size, then follow the first steam way above. 
  • After 10 minutes steamed, rest it until it reaches room temperature.
  • Marinade the tempeh with marinating sauce (the same recipe in the second way above)
  • Remove from the liquid and excess of marinating sauce.
  • Preheat the grill into medium temperature, place the tempeh on the grill.
  • Don’t forget to flip the position of the tempeh so it can be grilled evenly. Spread the remaining marinating sauce if it’s needed.
  • Grill thoroughly until it’s browned but not burned, it may take about 5 to 10 minutes depending on the heat temperature of the grill.
  • Remove the tempeh and serve it with mushroom sauce, green salad, or grilled vegetables like bell pepper, asparagus, and onion.

How to cook tempeh
Grilling is also good for cook tempeh, the flavor also nice.

You can try one of those recipes to cook tempeh without frying, whether steamed, grilled, or baked.

All those ways are good and can make your tempeh more delicious and exactly, it will be healthier because there is no frying process with oil.

But, if you still want to fry your tempeh, what is the best way to cook tempeh for stir fry? The answer is, do not deep fry your tempeh, it will be better if you only pan-seared your tempeh using olive oil. 

And also, it will be nice if you make your tempeh, so the tempeh will be more hygienic and healthy.

To make homemade tempeh, you need a tempeh starter to grow the spores/mycelium, so the soybean will be compact. 

Ragi Raprima tempeh starter
Raprima tempeh starter is believed to be able to produce tempeh with good quality

If you are wondering about tempeh starter, read our article which discusses the role of tempeh starter.

And if you are interested in tempeh making, we provide Raprima tempeh starter as the best tempeh starter which is commonly used in Indonesia to produce tempeh.

We can send our tempeh starter overseas. If you have any questions about tempeh or Raprima tempeh starter, you can contact us directly via email or WhatsApp, we will be very happy to help you to as much as we can. 


+62 857 4849 1242




Maron, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581

Related: the best way to cook tempeh, the healthiest way to cook tempeh, best way to cook marinated tempeh, what’s the best way to cook tempeh, best way to cook tempeh for stir fry, what is the best way to cook tempeh, good ways to cook tempeh, easiest way to cook tempeh, what is the best way to prepare tempeh, tempeh vs tofu, tempeh marinade, what is tempeh, where to buy tempeh,

Discover The Easy Way How To Make Your Own Tempeh Starter

Most people has been so familiar with a food from Indonesia which has unique taste. It’s called tempeh. Yes, it is totally true.

For the first time you taste this food, you might be wondering what kind of this taste it is. The texture is also unique. It looks like a very firm cake with soybeans which is covered with white membrane.

For the first bite, you will find it tastes like meat, but it is actually not. You cannot find whether the flavor is savory, salty, sweet, bitter, or any else. The taste of tempeh is like the combination of many flavors.

Due to that reason there are many people trying to make their own tempeh. Some of them stated that making tempeh is easy, but the rest of them also come to grief.

Well, it is easy to find soybeans in most country in the world, but it is quite difficult to find tempeh starter (instant tempeh starter). Starter is not always provided so that people will mostly search in internet where to buy tempeh starter but sometimes get nothing.

What Is Starter?

Starter – a material needed to ferment soybeans to become tempeh

Starter is a substance that causes fermentation. It is usually known as tempeh starter culture rhizopus oligosporus. This is a seed used to ferment soybeans into tempeh which contains Rhizopus sp which is known as mushroom tempeh.

In the tempeh-making process, cultures/starter/culture of mushrooms/mold tempeh called inokulum/tempeh starter is basically used.

These mold cultures is needed in the fermentation process of soybeans, so it will form a cake-like of tempeh, with grayish white color and unique taste and smell.

Finding tempeh starter such as tempeh starter uk or tempeh starter india is little bit difficult. Thus, for some people, who live in the area where tempeh starter is not easy to find, will choose to buy tempeh starter online through tempeh starter amazon. They think it is easier way even though they need to pay more for the shipping cost.

However, some people who doesn’t want to spend their money much on the shipping cost, they will prefer to make their own tempeh starter. 

Tempeh Starter Indonesia

In Indonesia, tempeh starter indonesia is usually packed traditionally using banana leaves. Sometimes, people also use banana leaves combined with paper. Using plastic is also possible, but the taste will not as delicious as using banana leaves.

Even so, the instant tempeh starter culture rhizopus oligosporus is normally used in the manufacturing tempeh indonesia, especially in a big manufacturer. The traditional way of making tempeh starter is only done by those who prefer to make their own tempeh in middle to low scale.

Actually, there are several terms of tempeh starter like tempe inokulum, yeast, starter, laru, and usar. Tempeh starter can be found on the market or online market like tempeh starter amazon or other online seller like us, tempebumbung.

However, if you find difficulty to find tempeh starter in your area, you can make it by yourself. There are several ways of how to make your own tempeh starter that you can do easily. Let’s discover!

Kind of Tempeh Starter

  1. Usar’ from Waru (Hibiscus Tiliaceus) or Teak leaves (Tectona Grandis)

    Do Waru or Teak leaves are easy to get in your area? If yes, you can follow these procedure to make your own tempeh starter. The steps are easy to follow and need not much time or energy.

    Teak Leaf

    Choose Waru leaf or Teak leaf which has mold like white yarns in the bottom surface of the leaf.

    – Place 1 sheet of leaf with the bottom surface facing up.

    – Spread a layer of soybean seeds which has been boiled (in cold conditions).

    – After that, cover the soybean seeds with other leaves (the bottom surface of leave should cover the soybean seeds)

    – Wrap that pair of leave in plastic which has been perforated with stick.

    – It will be fermented for 12-24 hours. Once it is dried, it can be used for making tempeh.

  2. Usar’ from the former wrapper (leave which has been used to wrap tempeh)

    Former Tempeh Wrapper

    If you have tempeh which is wrapped with leaves such as banana leaves, waru leaves, or teak leaves, you can use these former tempeh wrapper whose tempeh mold is still attached.

    Then, keep it dried (so it can be stored). Finally, if you want to use it, you just need to rub (mengusar-usarkan) to the soybean seeds which are ready to be fermented.

    Using this way to make your own tempeh starter is relatively easy and simple, but the result of mold produced by former wrapper will not as good as the use of leaves for the first use.

  3. Starter from dried tempeh (tempeh flour)

    Tempeh itself can also be transformed into tempeh flour. You can use dried tempeh to make starter because the it still has the mold. Here are how to make tempeh starter from dried tempeh:

    Dried Tempeh With Black Mold

    – Choose tempeh whose mold have changed color to black (fresh tempeh which is stored several days)

    – Slice it thinly.

    – Dry in the sun.

    – Blend until it becomes flour and sifted.

    – Then, mix with roasted flour with ratio 1 : 10

    – After that, pack in a plastic bag or use tempeh flour by mixing with ready-to-fermented soybean seeds.

  4. Starter from rice

    This way has helped big manufacture of tempeh to produce tempeh. If the way 1,2, and 3 are usually used in the small scale, this way can be used to bigger scale.

    Many companies has established tempeh starter manufacture by using this method so that they can produce tempeh starter with their own brand. You can also make your own tempeh starter from rice. Here is the simple way to do it:

    Starter Made From Rice


    – 300 gr of rice

    – 3 gr of tempeh flour

    – 1,5 kg of roasted rice which has been crushed or has become flour.

    How to make:

    – Wash the rice, cook until it becomes cooked rice, then chill.

    – Put that cooked rice on a clean surface/tray evenly.

    – Sprinkle the tempeh flour on the cooked rice.

    – Mix well, cover with banana leaves or plastic.

    – Let them fermented until all the cooked rice surface overgrown with black mold (leaves/plastic sometimes need to open so that the dew doesn’t drip onto the cooked rice)

    – Dry the cooked rice until dry.

    – Blend until it becomes fine flour, then sifted.

    – Mix the starter with roasted rice flour (about 10 gr starter to mix 50-100 gr rice flour), mix well.

    – Then, pack in the plastic bag, and the starter is ready to use.

Those all  what can be used as tempeh starter, and it works well. Now you already know how to make your own tempeh starter. This can be a god choice if you think that making your own tempeh is more efficient and effective than buying tempeh starter kit online. 

So, what are you waiting for? Make your own tempeh starter now, and make your own delicious tempeh! If you are interested to buy tempeh starter online, we provide tempeh starter indonesia of Raprima Tempeh Starter with affordable price. Need more information?

Please contact us at:


+62 857 4849 1242




Maron, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581

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Know The 7 Types Of Tempe in Indonesia

Commonly, tempeh is known as soy product. This kind of food is usually white in color like stringy, and also has solid shape.

In fact, there are many types of tempeh whose raw materials are not derived from soybeans only. The efficacy and the usefulness of each type can also be different.

Even, among the following types, there are some that we do not know at all. Please have a look at these 7 common types of tempeh that you can find in Indonesia.

The 7 Kind Of Tempe in Indonesia

  1. Soybean Tempeh

This type of tempeh is the type of soybean that were mostly encountered and popular in many areas in Indonesia. The raw materials are derived from soybeans with the help of starter to ferment the beans to become tempeh.

Soybean tempeh contains vitamins B and E, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fiber, protein and fats that are good for the body.

Not only in Indonesia, the soybean tempeh has also been popular in the world. You can find this food easily in the supermarket, grocery stores, even you can find it easily in the online stores.

What makes it so popular? Soybean tempeh is known not only for its delicious taste, but also the health benefits to humans body. Eating such food feels like you are eating meat but with different sensation.

Banana wrapper
Soybean tempeh

  1. Bongkrek Tempeh

This kind of tempeh nowadays are not much produced. The making of bongkrek tempeh has actually been banned since 1969, but in reality there are still residents who produce or consume these very dangerous foods.Before that time, a lot people was poisoned after eating Bongkrek tempeh.

This kind of tempeh is made from coconut pulp, the industrial and also household waste. That’s is why it can cause poison because it contains quite high acid, and has exceeded the recommended limits.

The excessive consumption of bongkrek tempeh is very dangerous and can cause death due to contamination by a type of bacteria that grows faster than bongkrek fungi.

Tempe bongkrek can be dangerous for human health

  1. Koro Sword Tempeh or Jack Bean Tempeh

Koro sword (Canavalia enciformis) tempeh is made from Jack bean (it is like soybean but much bigger). Long time ago, a lot of people made koro tempeh to be consumed daily.

It actually contains toxic cyanide acid. But if the making processes included the process of soaking and washing repeatedly and then boiled for a period of time, then koro tempeh can be made into delicious. It is also safe from toxins.

Koro tempeh or jack bean tempeh has the appearance of soy tempeh. This is an alternative ingredient for making tempe besides soybeans.

The shape is solid and compact with mushrooms or cotton on the surface. This tempeh has a distinctive savory taste and has a soft texture. It also contains about 9-10% of protein so it is good enough for the body’s source of protein.

Tempe koro or jack bean tempeh has been deep fried and ready to eat

  1. Benguk Tempeh or Surly Tempeh

This type is also derived from koro, but of the kind of surly (Mucana pruriens).  This is a tropical legume native to Africa and tropical Asia and widely naturalized and cultivated.

Its English common names is velvet bean. This tempeh nowadays can be found mostly in the traditional markets.

The benguk or surly seeds are about the size of a marble with an oval shape and slightly flat. These seeds are usually gray to black. In one Benguk pod skin generally contains 3 higga 5 Benguk seeds.

The seeds are then processed into Benguk tempeh by processing such as making soybean tempeh.

The nutritional content in this tempeh is also not much diferent with the soybean tempeh. The presence of stinging is also expected to be a substitute or alternative to soybeans that are increasingly soaring. This tempeh do have a lower protein content than soybeans.

But the carbohydrates are doubled. In addition, it also has a fairly high nutrition.

Tempeh benguk has dark color

  1. Green Beans Tempeh or Mung Beans Tempeh

In general, green beans (vigna radiata) was made into a green bean porridge or Burjo in Yogayakarta. The mung beans are mainly cultivated in East AsiaSoutheast Asia and Indian subcontinent. It is used as an ingredient in both savory and sweet dishes.

Green beans can also be made into tempe that tastes good and contain high nutrition. In some places in Yogyakarta, tempeh of this type can be easily found although not as many as the common soybean tempeh.

Mung Bean Tempeh
Green Beans Tempeh or Mung Beans Tempeh

  1. Cowpeas Tempeh

Cowpeas can indeed be an alternative raw material for tempe besides soy. These beans are known by several names, namely tolo beans or dadap beans.

This is one of the delicious vegetable ingredients to be used as food. It can be cooked into a snack, stir-fry, or be served as any type of menu.

This type of bean contains nutrients and is a good source phytoprotein. Therefore, it has a potential opportunity to replace soybean in producing tempeh.

Cowpeas are usually sold in dry form so they must be soaked in water before being processed into tempeh. These beans have smaller grains than soybeans, so when they become temphe the texture becomes denser.

The cowpeas tempeh

  1. Gembus Tempeh

Tempe gembus is tempeh which is made from okara or the pulp of tofu production. The texture is very soft and it has white surface.  This tempeh is best served when fried using flour with thinly sliced.

It can also be made into bacem (boiled wiht palm sugar). This is the picture of gembus bacem:

Tempeh Gembus Bacem

The taste of tempeh gembus is so soft and delicious, and is suitable when used as a snack or dish, not the main menu. The nutritional content of the tempe gembus is quite good.

But you can consume them alternately with tempeh and tofu so you can get the maximum benefits.

Gembus Tempeh Has Very Soft Texture

In addition, there are still more many types of tempeh made from different type of beans. For example: llamtoro tempeh, menjes tempeh, pigeonpea tempeh, munggur tempeh and others.

And please open the article about non-soybeans tempeh that you will possibly provide you more information.

Contact us at:
+62 857 4849 1242


Maron, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581

Soybean tempeh, how to make tempeh, tempeh recipe, tempeh recipe Orek, ways of making tempe, tempe Orek recipe, the process of making tempe, tempeh dishes

15 Types of Soy-Free Tempeh That Can Be Made With Raprima Tempeh Starter


Hello tempeh lovers!

Need update information about tempeh from us? If so, you are very lucky today since we are going to share non-soybeans tempeh that you can try by yourself at home. So, are you ready to see the details? Come to see, please…

If previously you only knew soybean-based tempeh, but in fact, tempeh has many variations.
If previously you only knew soybean-based tempeh, but in fact, tempeh has many variations. | Source : femina.co.id

Tempeh Existence

Those who usually consume tempeh may already know the information about this food. For example the way to make it, the nutrition value, the advantages for health, the tempeh menus, etc. But those who only ever hear about it and never consumes it, they probably feel curious what tempeh is, right?

Previously, we already wrote article about 7 types of tempeh in Indonesia. Actually, there are so many kind of beans in the world. Some of them can also be made into tempeh.

Have you ever tried some of them? So now, we are going to share information about other types of tempeh you can find in other countries.

We are here not only to provide information to those who are expert in the tempeh-making field, but also those who are just starting to make it. Maybe you are one of them? Thus, we think that you will deeply need this information. Here we go!

What Is Tempeh?

In general, tempeh is a kind of traditional food originally from Indonesia made from soybeans. Due to its high nutritional value, many people consume tempeh.

Once you taste it, you will feel little weird but unique with its taste. For the appearance, it is like cake. While if it is already cooked, the taste is sometimes like meat, chicken, even mushrooms.

Well, let’s say tempeh is a soy-based meat alternative. Whatever its taste, you must try it to find the exact taste!

About Raprima Tempeh Starter

With many types of basic ingredients that can be made tempe, you can use one type of starter, Raprima tempeh starter.
With many types of basic ingredients that can be made tempe, you can use one type of starter, Raprima tempeh starter. | Source : eol.org

Talking about tempeh means you cannot forget this important ingredient: starter! Besides soybeans, tempeh is also related to starter.

We recommend  you to try Raprima tempeh starter for making tempeh. We all know that this ingredients really plays an important role to ferment the beans into tempeh cake-like.

As you already see in our article that there is one kind of starter which you can use to make tempeh. Please open here.

Kinds Of Tempeh

Alright, we already know types of tempeh in Indonesia and what best tempeh starter we can use. So now, what kind of other beans/seeds from other countries can we use to make tempeh using Raprima tempeh starter?

1. Velvet Bean Tempeh

Velvet bean tempeh is quite well known in Indonesia on the island of Java, and one of the above is velvet bean tempeh which is boiled in a mixture of brown sugar and seasoning water.
Velvet bean tempeh is quite well known in Indonesia on the island of Java, and one of the above is velvet bean tempeh which is boiled in a mixture of brown sugar and seasoning water. | Source : anekamesinpengemas.com

According to several tempeh lovers, velvet bean tempeh is the second most popular variety of tempeh. The seeds can be found from a climbing vine which is known as Mucuna Pruriens. A reason of its popularity is its low cost and also high protein content.

Therefore, it acts as a staple protein source for a lot of people’s diets.

2. Black Eyed Peas

Black-eyed pea tempeh is quite well known in Southern United States, and the taste of this type of tempeh is quite delicious.
Black-eyed pea tempeh is quite well known in Southern United States, and the taste of this type of tempeh is quite delicious. | Source : superfoodevolution.com

The other type of tempeh you can make is black eyed peas, or usually known as cowpeas. It is such a great bean to start with if you are new to making homemade tempeh.

It has very similar shape and texture with soybeans. Moreover, this seeds also cook up relatively fast when soaked. It is also a good source of minerals iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, etc.

Quite popular in the southern United States, one of our customers who bought yeast also made black-eyed pea tempeh with Raprima tempeh starter.

3. Black Bean Tempeh

 For those of you who avoid soy products, black bean tempeh can be an equally delicious alternative.
For those of you who avoid soy products, black bean tempeh can be an equally delicious alternative. | Source : communetestedcityapproved.blogspot.com

Some people do agree that making black bean tempeh is easier than making soybean tempeh. Why? Because you will not need to remove the hulls.

Black beans are really soft and easily digested by Rhizopus mold contained in Raprima starter.

Some of them also think that the dark color of the hulls give the tempeh a very nice look. Nevertheless, making tempeh is not difficult at all. What makes it difficult is when you never try to make it.

4. Winged Bean Tempeh

This tempeh is known as winged tempeh, the price is cheaper and tastes more chewy.
This tempeh is known as winged tempeh, the price is cheaper and tastes more chewy. | Source : uny.ac.id

Winged bean, also refereed to as asparagus bean is cultivated in Burma and India. Then, it has been successfully introduced into other countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, etc.

This kind of beans can be used to make a fermented meat substitute food product called tempeh. It is also a rich source for antioxidant, tocopherol, and vitamin A.

5. Hazelnut Tempeh

Not only as a topping for food or chocolate, hazelnuts can also be made into tempeh.
Not only as a topping for food or chocolate, hazelnuts can also be made into tempeh.

If you usually find hazelnut served in combination with chocolate, now you will be amazed since it can be used to make tempeh, too. People usually call it as the cooked nougat.

Why so? After inoculating boiled hazelnuts with the mold culture, the mycelium (a rot-like system of fungus) appears. And this is what binds the hazelnuts together to form big cakes that look like nougat.

6. Mung Bean Tempeh

Mung beans are usually made as a drink or porridge, but mung beans can also be made into tempeh.
Mung beans are usually made as a drink or porridge, but mung beans can also be made into tempeh. | Source : cookpad.com

Recently, consuming raw sprouts mung beans has become an increasingly popular way to eat them. Also, they are usually served in small amounts as top meals or salads.

Besides, this beans can also be cooked into tempeh. When you consume mung beans, whether as raw sprouts or cooked legumes or even fermented as tempeh, this beans can provide a great plant-based protein for vegans, vegetarians and those who are trying to reduce animal consumption.

In Indonesia, it is known as tempe kacang hijau. This type of tempeh is found in Central Java and Yogyakarta. Even though the quality of the protein is low, this tempeh bean is very digestible and does not cause flatulence.

7. Broad Bean Tempeh

Its high protein content makes broad-bean a substitute for soybeans.
Its high protein content makes broad-bean a substitute for soybeans. | Source : garden4real.wordpress.com

Also called as Fava beans, this kind of beans have no saturated fat or cholesterol. It can be made into tempeh and you will see the unique appearance of its size and color.

This beans contain a high concentration of thiamin, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, magnesium, zinc, etc. Moreover, it also has an inexpensive source of protein.

Broad bean tempeh contains enough protein that can be used as raw material for making tempeh. Although this broad-bean is quite difficult to dehull, the cooking process only takes about 10 minutes, faster than soybeans.

8. Chickpeas Tempeh

Chickpea tempeh can be processed into your favorite food such as meat for burgers.
Chickpea tempeh can be processed into your favorite food such as meat for burgers. | Source : health.grid.id

Cultivated originally in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, chickpeas have spread their culinary influence across the world.

Moreover, they also come with a range of potential health benefits. Just like other kind of legumes such as beans, peas, or lentils, this seeds are high in fiber and protein.

It also contains several key vitamins and minerals. This is why people can also use this seeds to make tempeh.

9. Green Bean Tempeh

Green bean is a kind of legumes which seeds, fruits, and leaves can be consumed after cooked. This bean is one type of vegetables that is often added in various types of cuisines.

The seeds can also be made into tempeh. As we already know that tempeh is rich for its protein. The protein is mostly obtained from the seeds used.

And green bean is also one type of bean which is high in protein.

10. Jack Bean Tempeh

Tempeh jack-beans have a larger seed size than soybeans, and are often cooked smoky. Source: tekno.tempe.co
Tempeh jack-beans have a larger seed size than soybeans, and are often cooked “bacem”. | Source: tekno.tempe.co

This bean is native to tropical Africa and to South and Central America. The pods and seeds are edible and used for food. The young pods usually can be cooked as a vegetable.

Even, the whole plant, pods, and seeds can also be used to feed animals. You can also make tempeh from jack bean seeds. Due to its high nutrient, this bean can be used as a partial substitute for fish meal.

11. Sword Bean Tempeh

How about sword bean? Well, jack bean and sword bean are related but different species. It is also believed to have its origins in the Asian continent.

Both jack bean and sword bean has numerous health benefits. They are energy boosters and are great source of protein. Sword bean seeds are very good to be make into tempeh.

12. Lupin Tempeh

Nowadays, the existence of tempeh lupin is quite easy to find, especially outside Indonesia
Nowadays, the existence of tempeh lupin is quite easy to find, especially outside Indonesia. | Source: lupinausa.com

Because of its protein content, lupin bean can be served as alternative for soybeans as substrate for tempeh production. We can also cook the bean into several type of cuisines.

They are not only deliciously addictive snack or appetizer, but they are also incredibly nutritious and high in protein.

13. Lucaena Tempeh

Because there are many Leucaena found, making people in Indonesia make these plant seeds into tempeh.
Because there are many Leucaena found, making people in Indonesia make these plant seeds into tempeh. | Source : Bukalapak

In Indonesia, it is the third most popular tempeh which is called ‘tempe lamtoro’. The tree of Leucaena is native to Central America. The mature seeds of Lucaena can be roasted, while the young dry seeds are popped like pop-corn or can be made into tempeh.

The content contained in lamtoro seeds can be used as a substitute for soybean seeds. The process of making lamtoro tempeh is also almost the same as soybean tempeh.

The taste of lamtoro tempeh is also distinctive, its texture is smoother because it’s really small. It is also slightly fatty because of the seed skin.

14. Lima Bean Tempeh

This beans are usually called ‘butter beans’ because it has starchy yet buttery texture. Lima beans can be cooked into tempeh. It has a delicate flavor which complements a wide variety of dishes such as tempeh.

This beans are a rich source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. So if you are looking for ingredients to make tempeh, you can use this bean.

15. Lablab Bean Tempeh

Lablab bean is native to Africa and cultivated throughout the tropics for food. This plant needs hot climate conditions. So, the tropical zone of Africa, India and also Latin American are the places where Lablab beans are in great demand.

Besides can be used as salads, soups, or desserts, the beans can also be cooked into tempeh. It is a perfect source of protein, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin, etc.

The many types of tempe can be an option for you to consume other types of tempe apart from soybeans.
The many types of tempe can be an option for you to consume other types of tempe apart from soybeans.

See… Even though tempeh has been most known for the soybeans as the material, you can also try to make diy tempeh at home using the other beans as mentioned above.

Different area can possibly has the different type of beans. If there you get difficulty to find soybeans in your area, at least you can try the other recipe of tempeh with non-soybeans materials.

Well, if you are looking for a tempeh starter of Raprima to make your own tempeh, we are here to help you. We will also help you with your problem in making tempeh. You can contact us anytime you want at:


+62 857 4849 1242




Maron, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581

Thank you for reading. Hopefully the information we provide to you can be beneficial to you, and you can become interested to make different kind of tempeh.

Tempeh, tempeh starter, how to make tempeh, tempeh recipes, how to get tempeh starter, where to buy tempeh starter, tempeh-making process, the price of tempeh starter